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8 Tips for Living a More Adventurous Life

8 Tips for Living a More Adventurous Life

Who doesn’t love a good adventure? Lots of people chase the endorphin high from a post fight-flight-freeze response of facing danger. It’s a feeling like no other — knowing you’ve practically just conquered death. Whether riding an extreme roller coaster, jumping out of a plane or even climbing a tall mountain, there are lots of ways to seek adventure in everyday life. Here are some tips for living more adventurously!

Invest in the right gear. Getting the right gear is essential for living more adventurously. Whether you need to add more workout accessories to your collection or simply find a new pair of sunglasses, having the right items for whatever new adventure you want to partake in will go a long way in keeping you on track for your new lifestyle. Make sure you research the specific essentials of your new adventurous activity. Know about the things you’ll need to stay safe, what you’ll need to eat or drink (or avoid!) and ways to take care of yourself after. An adventurous life can sometimes come with more danger, so it’s important to take care of yourself after completing one.

Find what you like to do. It takes time to find what adventurous things you like to do. Don’t be afraid to try new things! You should consider the things that you currently like to do and find out if there are more extreme or intensive versions of them. Do you like running around your neighborhood? Start visiting local running trails to see if you enjoy the expanded terrain. Do you like heights? Consider visiting and trying out a local rock climbing gym. These are small things you can do as you learn more about what you like to do and what you don’t like to do.

It’s not always adrenaline. A more adventurous life is one where you take more risks. Those risks don’t always have to be dangerous or adrenaline-filled! Instead, adventure can look like trying a new restaurant every week or visiting a new museum once a month. Adventure is unique to each person, and your life will feel more adventurous if you simply start to do more things that take you slightly out of your comfort zone. Things like attending concerts by yourself, going white water rafting or even learning a new language can all be things people find adventurous. It just depends on who you are as a person!

Find a buddy to be adventurous with. Did you know that humans were meant to have interaction? That’s right, even the most irritable of people needs interaction with others in order to be a mentally healthy person. Being adventurous is so much more fun when you have someone with you. You can bring your best friend, a family member or even your spouse on your adventures. As you start to lead a more active lifestyle, if you and your partner invest in silicone wedding bands, you can easily go on more adventures without worrying about ruining your diamond or metal rings.

Change it up. Adventure takes routine and turns it on its head. If you find something you like, you don’t have to give it up. Instead, give it a break! You can change it out with something else to break up your routine. This way, as you decide more and more about all the things and new adventures you like, you’ll have activities you can go back to. Changing it up gives variation to your routine. And, since adventure is all about upsetting your routine, it’s important to keep this in mind. Living a more adventurous life means getting comfortable with being uncomfortable — that’s how you grow! Adventure is all about growth. Changing up your adventures will keep you growing in the best way possible.

Learn something new. Adventure isn’t just about going out and experiencing new things. Sometimes learning can be adventurous! Whether you’re learning how to bake or to knit or even a new language, learning itself can be an adventure. You can do a lot with new skills you learn. Whether you decide to embark on a new career, move to a new country or even join a local group of people who’ve got the same skill as you’ll now have, learning is something we can all benefit from.

Of course, since learning something new takes time, try not to rush this process. Becoming proficient in something will take lots of practice and dedication, but it’s not always something you’ll have to spend hours and hours on. That’s where having some friends or buddies to adventure and learn with you will make a big difference. You can help each other out, encourage each other and celebrate your successes together!

Stay open-minded. Sometimes, we let preconceived notions get in our way. We think we know how something will go instead of just letting the process take us on a journey. Since adventure is about opening up and exploring new experiences, it makes sense that staying open-minded is one of the major tips for living a more adventurous life. By staying open-minded, you can try new things that you would’ve otherwise written off as boring or something you wouldn’t have been good at. Being open-minded is a huge part of living adventurously.

Get out there! There’s such a big world to see, and living adventurously means getting out there to explore it. If you just stay in your own little corner without ever getting out and seeing what the world has to offer, then you run the risk of looking back on your life with lots of regrets. No one wants that! Getting out there will give you the chance to explore, learn new things and live a life full of adventure. An adventurous life doesn’t have to be hard. Instead, following a few simple tips can really work to make sure you get on the right track to having a fun, fulfilling life full of adventure and great memories.

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