Having come to any expensive restaurant anywhere in the world you will never see any insect. Good point – you will say. And how? Do they have extra super-duper mosquito nets or millions of sticky tapes all over the kitchen? Of course no.
They have electric mosquito killers, for example – indoor bug zapper.
Such a device began its history in 1911 when two unknown men decided to make a trap using two bulbs. It was very expensive, but finally William M. Frost patented it in 1932.
Today’s design has a special fluorescent lamp inside that is followed by high voltage. Then these lamps are surrounded by an iron framework (in the form of spirals).
As we know all the insects react in a bright light, so it works and when a bug adjoins the parts of the framework – a high voltage kills it.
This equipment can be used not only in the restaurants and hotels, you can buy the same thing at home. If you suffer from constant buzz, mosquitos bites or you just don’t want insects to be in your house – buy a small domestic version of this great invention!
The home variant is smaller in sizes, it doesn’t consume much electric power and it is easy-to-use. After buying bug zapper for your place of living you will totally forget about sticky tapes, different sprays, fumigators and other methods of anti-mosquito protection. Now you can sit in front of the pool with a cocktail and don’t think about bees and wasps.
Very important fact – such an electric killer is absolutely safe for you, your family and for the environment. Get rid of any chemical anti-mosquito substances – they mustn’t be at your home! Forget about the allergy reaction, just plug in a new bug zapper and it is ready to work. The prices are different – from 20 till 120 dollars, but it is worth it.
As we know not all insect species are safe – some kinds of them can transmit different diseases. No one is safe from it, but as they say – better safe than sorry. Keep yourself and your family members from this problem, think ahead.
If you still hesitate to buy it or not – watch a brief review on YouTube. Different videos will show you how it works, how to install it and what model to choose. Also you can read different forums, acquaint with the full range in shops or make an internet-order.
Our life is short enough and to spend it on constant fight with mosquitos or flies is so silly. The progress permits us to make everything easier – why not to use this chance and just enjoy our being?