The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Suede Cleaner

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Suede Cleaner


Suede, with its soft and luxurious texture, adds a touch of elegance to our shoes, clothing, and accessories. However, this delicate material requires special care to maintain its beauty over time. To keep your suede items looking pristine, you need the right suede cleaner. In this article, we will explore the world of suede cleaning and help you discover the best suede cleaner for your needs.

Understanding Suede

Suede is a type of leather that’s known for its fine, napped surface. It’s created from the inner layer of animal hides and is often used for shoes, handbags, jackets, and more. Due to its unique texture, suede is prone to dirt, stains, and water damage, making it imperative to have a reliable suede cleaner on hand.

Choosing the Right Suede Cleaner

Selecting the best suede cleaner depends on various factors, including the type of suede, the nature of the stains, and your personal preferences. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when choosing a suede cleaner:

  1. Type of Suede: Suede comes in different variations, such as smooth suede, nubuck, and split-grain suede. The type of suede you’re dealing with will impact your choice of cleaner. Always check the product label or consult the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Stain Type: The type of stain you’re dealing with will influence the choice of cleaner. Oil-based stains, like those from food, require different treatment compared to water-based stains, such as mud. Look for suede cleaners that specifically target the type of stains you encounter most often.
  3. Eco-Friendly Options: If you’re environmentally conscious, consider choosing eco-friendly suede cleaners. Many brands now offer biodegradable and non-toxic formulas that are gentle on both your suede items and the planet.
  4. Ease of Use: Some suede cleaners come in spray form, while others are designed as cleaning kits with brushes and erasers. Choose a product that suits your cleaning preferences and is easy to use.
  5. Test on a Small Area: Before using any suede cleaner on your valuable items, it’s advisable to test it on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t damage or discolor the suede.

Top Suede Cleaners

How To Clean Suede Properly, Without Damaging It

Now that we’ve discussed the factors to consider, let’s look at some of the top suede cleaners available in the market:

  1. Jason Markk Premium Shoe Cleaner: Known for its effectiveness on suede, this cleaner is a popular choice among sneaker enthusiasts. It’s easy to use and comes with a brush for gentle scrubbing.
  2. Kiwi Suede and Nubuck Cleaner: Kiwi is a trusted brand for shoe care, and their suede cleaner is no exception. It’s a budget-friendly option that effectively removes dirt and stains.
  3. Crep Protect Cure Cleaning Kit: This all-in-one cleaning kit is excellent for sneakerheads and those looking for a comprehensive solution. It includes a brush, eraser, and cleaning solution.
  4. Angelus Easy Cleaner Kit: This cleaner is particularly gentle on suede and can be used on a wide range of suede items. It’s highly effective at removing tough stains.
  5. Saphir Omni’Nettoyant Suede Cleaner: For those who want the best, Saphir offers a premium suede cleaner. It’s made in France and is known for its high-quality results.


Suede items are a stylish addition to any wardrobe, but keeping them clean and well-maintained is essential to preserve their beauty. When it comes to choosing the best suede cleaner, it’s important to consider the type of suede you have, the nature of the stains, and your personal preferences. Whether you’re a sneaker enthusiast or someone who values eco-friendly options, there is a suede cleaner out there that’s perfect for your needs. Regular care and the right suede cleaner will ensure your suede items continue to turn heads for years to come.