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What Is the Best Way to Scatter Ashes?

What Is the Best Way to Scatter Ashes?

Burying your loved one is a personal experience you’ll remember for a lifetime. You may decide to cremate the body to give it back to the Earth. You might be thinking about the best way to do this transition. Here are some ways to scatter ashes.

Consider Going to a National Park

One of the main concerns is the ideal location. Some people want to charter boats for scattering ashes, while others want to have the ceremony in an open field. If you decide to put the ashes in a national park, you have a few stipulations to consider.

Make sure you speak with the park ranger to get approval. Also, they might know the best spot in the park for you to have your ceremony before laying down the ashes. Not to mention, they can issue you a permit to make everything legal.

Some national parks require you to disperse the ashes away from picnic tables, parking lots, and campgrounds. Also, they may suggest you do it early in the morning before any crowds start arriving.

At Home

If you’re renting a condo or apartment, you should speak with the property owner before spreading ashes. They may not be comfortable with someone’s remains on their land. Always make sure you get their approval before planning your ceremony.

If you own the house, it’s fair game. Talk to the family about it to see if they’re comfortable having a relative’s ashes spread on your property. It’s a more sacred way of laying the ashes because it’s in a family’s home.

Also, you have more privacy because it’s in a familiar setting away from a public place that gets tons of foot traffic. You’ll feel more comfortable having the remains on your or another relative’s land.

In the Wind

It gets tricky spreading the remains in the wind, but it’s still possible. Try a high building that doesn’t have much traffic below. You can scatter it in a way to keep it from people.

Also, go to a mountain where you don’t see many people. The wild nature makes it an excellent backdrop to say goodbye to your relative’s remains. It’s a good idea to look at the weather forecast to avoid high winds. You don’t want the dust to blow back on your clothing or get on anyone downwind.

Find the best way to scatter the ashes to honor your fallen family member.

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